Action master Luc Besson tackles French history with an ambitious portrayal of the legendary saint and martyr, Joan of Arc. The film opens with a young Joan witnessing the brutal rape and murder of her sister by English soldiers. Years later, Joan (Milla Jovovich) arrives at the court of the French Dauphin (John Malkovich), who is struggling against his enemies. Joan’s self-confidence and charisma convince the Dauphin to take a chance on her, allowing her to lead troops, which results in a surprising victory at Orleans. However, Joan’s usefulness to the French throne soon diminishes, leading to her betrayal to the English, who burn her for heresy. Throughout her journey, Joan grapples with her faith, frustrating the seasoned French generals and having intense debates with her imaginary “Conscience” (Dustin Hoffman). The film features several thrilling medieval battle scenes.